"THE SEDENTARY OFFICE: a growing case for change towards better health and productivity”
S E S S I O N 1:
Research into Sedentary Behaviour & Health Risks of Prolonged
Opening Addresses:
Gavin Bradley [Director and Founder of Get Britain
Standing campaign and Active Working CIC]
Professor John Buckley:: Applied Exercise Science in
Health, Programme Leader, University of Chester
"Setting the Scene – How Much Time Do We Sit? Changing Patterns of Sedentary Behaviour"
Dr Stacy Clemes : Senior Lecturer in Human Biology, Loughborough University
"WHY SITTING IS BAD - Effects on Heart Disease, Obesity and Diabetes"
Dr Jason Gill : Reader (Institute of Cardiovascular and
Medical Sciences), University of Glasgow
"Sedentary Behaviour and Risk Co-Relation with Cancer and
Mental Health"
Dr. David Dunstan : Associate Professor & Head,
Physical Activity Laboratory at Baker IDI - Melbourne
"Brief overview of Global Sedentary Science Research (10,000 studies)"
Dr Sebastien Chastin : Senior Research Fellow in behaviour
dynamics Glasgow Caledonian University
"The Sitting Time Bomb – Are We Prepared?"
Dr. Tom Yates: : Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity,
Sedentary Behaviour & Health - Diabetes Research Centre, University of Leicester
S E S S I O N 2:
Summary of Research on Health & Behavioural Attitudes from
Sit-Stand Trials
"Blood Glucose (CGM) Responses to Sitting and Standing in Desk-Based Workers"
Professor John Buckley : Applied Exercise Science in Health,
Programme Leader, University of Chester
"Workplace Health: A Summary of Sit-Stand Workstation Research"
Dr. Hidde van der Ploeg : Senior researcher, Department of
Public & Occupational Health, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
"Breaking up Prolonged Sitting in Offices & Call Centres"
Dr Philippa Dall : Senior Research Fellow Department of
Psychology, Glasgow Caledonian University
"Tools & Tracking Devices to Self-Monitor Sitting Time & Activity Levels in the Workplace"
Dr Charlotte Edwardson : Lecturer in Physical Activity,
Sedentary Behaviour & Health, NIHR Leicester-Loughborough
"The Implications of Sit-Stand & Active Movement Behavioural Change in the Workplace"
Dr Mike Loosemore : Lead Consultant Sports Physician,
English Institute of Sport ,University College London
S E S S I O N 3:
Sit-Stand & Active Working – The Business Case & Case Studies
Gavin Bradley [Director and Founder of
Get Britain Standing campaign and Active Working CIC]
"Ergonomics and Sit-Stand – an Overview"
Levent Caglar : Head Ergonomist at the Furniture
Industry Research Association (FIRA)
"Our Journey and Business Case for Sit-Stand" - Major Case Study
Philip Jones : Head of Property and Information Systems:
GDF Suez
"Sit-Stand – Our Story" – 4 Brief Company Case Studies
King Interactive, Redington, Amicus Horizon & Lend Lease Australia
"Physical Activity Tracking in the Office – EY Case Study"
Gavin Pape : Director, EY Advisory Services
"Future Solutions – Sit-Stand Education, Monitoring and Evaluation"
Martin Bornström : Head of R&D at ROL Ergo
"The Integration of Sit-Stand into Workspace Design"
Philip Ross: CEO, Cordless Group & UnWork.com
Closing Address:
"A Sedentary Office – A Growing Case for Change Towards Better Health and Productivity"
Dame Carol Black DBE FRCP: Principal of Newnham College
Cambridge, Adviser on Work and Health at the Department of Health, England,
Chair of the Nuffield Trust and Chair of the Governance Board, Centre
for Workforce Intelligence